
Lighthouse; with green and vermilion and gold. What echoes in a nave, sails in an ark. I would describe myself like a landscape I’ve studied at length, in detail. His fisherman’s conception of the sea was close to that of a farmer for his land. The sea was the place where he earned his living, a rippling field where, instead of waving heads of rice or wheat, the white and formless harvest of waves was forever swaying above the unrelieved blueness of a sensitive and yielding soil. Pronounced. I am the wind which breathes upon the sea, I am the wave of the ocean. The rhythm of delirium and divine syncopated. My temperament is owed to the to those who preceded me. Sweepy they Cut, then Bind the Sheafy-Grain, And bend beneath the Burthen of the Plain; His cheerful Eyes, with silent Praises crown. You, an abstraction, fell from the page. In numerous fleets, saile through their Sea, the aire. What delicacie can in fields appeare. Fields of blue, a lighthouse marooned, in swaths of wheat, a poppy of destitution, Elysium still distant. A rogue wave, a phosphorescent lick, hunting the curvature. Whither, Mad maiden wilt thou roame? It is only in the ploughed field that the poppy grows. The plowman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world of darkness and to me. Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight, And all the air a solemn stillness holds. A sea of red in the blink of the Lighthouse, a sea of green breaking on the wind. Views wilds, and swelling floods, And hamlets brown, and dim-discover’d spires, And hears their simple bell, and marks o’er all. Aisle, Altar, Ambulatory, Apse, Arcade, Architrave, Archivolt, Baldachin, Baptismal Font, Baptistery, Bay, Bell Tower, Buttress, Capital, Cathedra, Chancel, Chantry, Chapel, Chevet, Choir, Ciborium, Clerestory, Cloister, Column, Confessional, Consecration Cross, Corbel, Crossing, Crypt, Cupola, Dome, Effigy, Façade, Fan Vault, Flèche, Flying Buttress, High Altar, Hypogeum, Keystone, Labyrinth, Matroneum, Nave, Narthex, Parapet, Pinnacle, Portal, Pulpit, Sedilia, Solomonic Column, Stoup, Tabernacle, Transept, Triforium, Tympanum, Vault. A red candle and everlasting hint. One weeps, the other is bloody. There is a path on the sea’s azure floor, No keel has ever ploughed that path before. Unseen darker wheat. Fanning their odoriferous wings dispense Native perfumes, and whisper whence they stole. Light becomes transfigured tripping over its own annunciation. A stranger red does crimson seem. But follow; let the torrent dance thee down To find him in the valley; let the wild. The expansion of the horizon into ceaselessness. An arid sun sets red ablaze. She looks, and her heart is in heaven: but they fade, “lustre lost, dreaming awake” And the colours have all passed away from her eyes. A triangulation between hollowed and hallowed places. Buds lavish gold; or ye, whose precious charge Nibble their fill at ocean’s very marge. A sunrise of wheat yet to turn their ears, golden but not ripe. And gaze until mine eyes are dim; The golden morning glows and spreads; the hoary vapours break and swim. I see thy blossoming fields, divine. Laid down. He makes my tears to flow. Deeper caverns know. Love unpaid does soon disband: Love binds Love as Hay binds Hay. The hymn to the Chimera. From a golden slumber on a bed Of heapt Elysian flowres, and hear Such streins as would have won the ear. Breaking barley-teeth. One force, one lore, one need For satellite and seed, In the serene benignity for all. Letting her time-glass run With star-dust, sun by sun, In Nature’s thought there is no great nor small. I ask. What are the Fields, or Flow’rs, or all I see? Ah! tasteless all, if not enjoy’d with thee.
Goldsmiths Degree show work 2022